Center for Public Safety & Cybersecurity Education

Charting New Frontiers in Public Safety and Cybersecurity

公共安全和网络安全教育中心(CPSCE)提供跨学科的教育和培训,为专业人员做好有效预防的准备, solve and investigate cybersecurity issues and challenges. 该中心利用其教师——既是思想领袖又是实践者——以及十大正规赌博平台大全排行在课程和课程开发方面的卓越声誉,创造学习经验,解决行业和社区中普遍存在的安全问题.

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Degrees & Certificates

从各种教育和培训选择-从专业和学术证书课程,可以帮助您快速提升您的专业知识, to full degrees designed for real-world application. 

Partner Solutions & Training

The CPSCE partners with businesses, government agencies and nonprofit organizations to provide customized training, course and curriculum development, evaluation services and research, and pathways to college credit for training and professional development.


该中心将十大正规赌博平台大全排行在提供与行业需求同步的教育方面的声誉与课程设计和课程开发方面无与伦比的能力相结合, and focuses them to address the evolving needs of public safety and cybersecurity. 一流的师资队伍和十大正规赌博平台大全排行最先进的学习管理系统使中心非常适合创造与成人学习者产生共鸣的动态体验. 

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Advance Your Career With Real World Experience

对于想要通过获得关键的工作经验来推进职业目标的在职成年人来说,现实世界中与职业相关的经验是很重要的, demonstrating knowledge and skills in work settings, and growing their professional networks:

  • Can’t get interviews in a new field:一名在零售业全职工作的学生想从事人力资源工作,但由于没有任何人力资源经验,无法获得人力资源职位的面试机会. The student could benefit from an online HR internship that fits their schedule.
  • Making a career change to do good: 一名在一家大银行做了20年分析师的学生想改行,去一家帮助自闭症儿童的非营利组织工作. 学生可以通过在当地非营利组织做志愿者的服务学习实习获得必要的知识和经验.
  • Need experience to get promoted: 一名市场营销专业的学生在一家中型会计师事务所担任营销部门的行政助理,希望晋升到数字营销的职位,但没有营销项目的组合来展示他们的知识和技能. 学生可以从基于项目的实习或适合他们日程安排的微型实习中受益.
  • Don’t have the connections to get the job you want: 体育管理专业的学生无法进入专业运动队,因为他们似乎会去找那些与组织高层有联系的人. The student needs to get an unpaid internship for a local professional sports team.
  • Want to break into a new field, but lack experience and funds: 一个在餐饮行业工作的学生喜欢电脑,想进入网络安全领域, but has no experience and has to work full-time to make ends meet. The student could benefit from a paid co-op or apprenticeship that provides full-time, paid, work along with education and training in the field.

If you think you could benefit from real-world career-related experiences like these, but don’t know where to start:

Franklin offers all types of real-world learning experiences to meet your needs:

Events & Resources

The effects of crime and cybercrime are far-reaching. For that reason, 该中心提供公共安全和网络安全资源和活动,以满足不同群体的需求, including business organizations, in-field professionals, community groups and individuals.  

About the Center

Learn more about the Center’s philosophy on serving partners, professionals and the central Ohio community and meet the team driving the important work we do.

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